1. Thank you for sharing your poignant story, full of so many emotions, ups and downs. I pray that the remainder of your pregnancy journey is filled with joy and little heartbeats 💓

  2. Beautifully written! So happy for you! 🥰🥰

    1. Oh my gosh Elsa… I am over the moon for you. I have been following your journey. My heart is full and my prayers with you. Youare already a wonderful mom! Sending love over the www…

  3. Thank you for sharing your journey with us ❤️

  4. Congratulations, Elsa! Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy and childbirth. <3 – Jules

  5. Congratulations on your baby news. It is so nice to see a positive outcome and gives hope to others who have had the similar challenges. Enjoy ever moment as it is fleeting.

  6. Elsa, I have not experienced what you have been through, but I want to say you have written about it so eloquently and sensitively for anyone who has embarked on the journey towards pregnancy. Thank you for sharing with us. Wishing your sweet family all the best things as you move forward!

  7. Congratulations!!!

    I am so thrilled for you guys. You are also so brave to share so much of your personal journey. Ours was slightly different but fairly similar and I know how similarly I felt and how it was so helpful to hear the stories of women who experienced fertility challenges and support. I pray you have a wonderful healthy pregnancy and birth and time with your little girl.

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